
How to fix error code 43 for Nvidia Graphics Cards. One solution to fix all graphics cards including AMD and Intel cards.

Most people say the solution is to update the graphics driver for the Graphics Card surprise that doesn't work. WHY. Its cause that's what causes the problem in the first place. If your graphics card is showing an error code its because you installed a driver update that your system can't handle. How does this happen? Well when a mother is incompatible but a graphics card is compatible the system auto updates the graphics card driver but then a blue/black screen occurs for a while until the system disables the card. Next the card displays the error message because the card can run the driver update but the motherboard can't handle it. This means the graphics card is newer than the motherboard. In other words the Graphics card can handle new BIOS but the old motherboard can't. The actual solution is to install the graphics card driver that originally came with the graphics card. You may be wondering how does one know which driver version came with thei

First Halloween renders, Daz issues and more

So it's October and in the spirit of Halloween I decided to get some Halloween themed prodcts for Daz Studio. Namely the Pretty 3D Charming witch outfit and broom,some skydomes and some stencils to make a glowing Jack o lantern. So I got into Daz Studio and placed the witch posed her the way I wanted and then the first render came out fine. So I thought of then making more renders but this time I would make the renders indoor renders. This is when I encountered an issue Iray Ghost lights were not working anymore.So I thought shit I'm fucked. I tried sending the stuff to Character Creator 3 but turns out there is an issue were the software crashes upon loading a specific file I didn't save properly and I don't have 3DXchange. So in the end I wasn&#